Liebster Award.

Liebster Award.

(On SamLaj: Chambray Shirt, Eleven; Skirt (worn as shirt), Forever21; Jewelery, Lucky, Michael Kors)

 gave the Liebster Award to bop! I wanted to give her a shout out to say thank you and for considering my blog "up-and-coming". Thanks for your support!

As part of the Liebster, I am to answer the following questions and pass the Liebster on to the next bloggers I see up and coming...

-What is the best advice you've ever received- 

This came straight from a book and was great advice, "Do something that you like enough to live the lifestyle you want to lead." True eye opener and very practical. 

-What is your favorite book & author-

Tough one, I'll go with a classic. The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald...

and Big Man, Clarence Clemons (r.i.p.)

-What do you value most in friendship-

Loyalty and Laughter.

-Do you believe in soul mates-

Not necessarily. 

-If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go first and why-

I've never been to

South Africa. I would want to go on safari and volunteer.

-If you were an activist, what would your protest be-

Animal rights/cruelty. Those Sarah McLachlan commercials get me every time!

-If you were an animal, then what would you be-

Timon from the Lion King, and not by choice!

-If you were asked to portray a cartoon character, who would you be-

See above!

-If you had to live in a movie, which movie would you choose-

Another toughy. 

Either The Sandlot, because of the era or She's the Man, just because. 

-Do you have a tattoo and where is it located-

No tattoo's here, sorry to disappoint!

Thank you followers for all of your support! 



