Day of Hearts

Happy Valentine's Day!

Rebecca Taylor Heart Print Dress

A day to be adored or a deliberate marketing tactic to boost sales for little hearted chochkas? Whichever your view, I must admit that I roll with the latter crowd and judging by her new collection, so does Rebecca Taylor. Of course the above Rebecca Taylor number  is adorably cutesie in all of its speckled hearted glory but RT's Fall 2012 Collection was singing a different tune on the runway this past week.

Think mixing textures and playing with layers. Not so cutesie now, are we?

Layering with different texures? Check!

Velvet pants? Check!

Boots with the fur? Check!
Photos via

I think the designer did a fantastic job with this transition. Normally hints of girly undertones scatter her line, but darker neutrals have taken their place making it almost like RT's edgy-alot-cooler-younger-sister (What's up Sam Laj!?)

What do you think of this collection?
P.S. I bought little heart earrings this weekend and wore them yesterday. The thought was there...

Winter White.

Grammy's: Best Dressed