A Lesson in Shopping.

Fur you, J.

On a crisp Saturday afternoon shopping in Westport, my good friend Jill fell in love with a Theory fur vest. Although it was beautiful, it was also $875. While fur might never be considered "out of style," fur vests might at some point be, in which case it's tough to validate spending close to a grand for something that you might not get a whole lot of use out of.

This little scenario made me determined to find a vest that would not only sufficiently fulfill J's need for a fur vest but would keep her bank account a tad happier during this season of holiday spending.

1. One thing I always like to do is research the product before making an impulsive expensive purchase.

Let's see this token of knowledge put into action:

A. Theory vest directly from Theory website:


B. Oh, and I forgot to mention it is reversible. Okay, so here is the EXACT same vest at Nordstrom on the fur side of the vest:


Would you look at that!? Just a little bit of research and you have saved yourself $277. I'm not trying to preach about saving money, but who wouldn't want to save that much on the exact same thing?

2. Now, if finding a less expensive version of your coveted piece doesn't work, it is time to do some more research on pieces that could pass as your beloved's twin (or at least one of its siblings).

Fur vests are everywhere this season. Finding three that were each at relatively different price points was a piece of cake. From highest to lowest here are my Theory fur vest makeshifts:

This MICHAEL Michael Kors vest has a buckle front, but just as Elle Woods in Legally Blonde spritzed her law school resume with perfume, I think it gives it a little something extra, don't you think? ($195)

 DKNY's black faux fur vest is 7 times less expensive and very cute, need I say more? ($120) A similar one was featured here.

Heritage by Forever21 allows you to get the look for under $40, I don't know how they do it. This one comes with a belt- but relax, it's removable!

So what we have learned here today is to do your research people! Put a little extra time in and you'll save big. If you have a smartphone you can do your research while your still at the store! Outsmart those betches, betch.



Cyber Monday.