Holy Harem!

(Pants, Urban Outfitters; Bra, Urban Outfitters; Oxford, Equipment; Necklace, Madewell)

Oh, harem pants. What to say, what to say. I can't say I've ever been a huge fan of them, nor can I say I would have foreseen myself writing about them, let alone owning a pair until a little conversation occurred last Thursday night in my Fashion Writing course. What I can attest to is that, no, the conversation wasn't on Harem pants, but more-so the reinvention of belly-baring. Yup, I said it. And while I counted the ways  for when it was A-OK to let midriff show (Halloween, the beach, and tweens, were among the few), I now regress to tweendom and find myself echoing a look seen on the runways and to the likes of popstars.

All honesty, it wasn't the conversation of new-age-belly-baring that hooked me, it was the ability of these billowing trousers to somehow convert a borderline streetwalker dud into an innovatively chic outfit. To my surprise, I subconciously picked up a pair of harem pants and thought, "what the hell?" Tried them on, and the rest is history.

See? You don't need to be Rihanna to pull this off. I think I've inspired myself to step out of my comfort zone a bit. Hope I've done the same for you!


P.S. Showing your belly button? Don't. Keep that thing underwraps!

