
Don't you just love the colors of fall? As different shades of reds and yellows paint the trees, we subconsciously reflect warm tones in what we choose to wear.

I could bask in these oxfords by Heschung pictured here in Elle France. The trick to pulling these tappers off is to pair them with overly feminine pieces. You don't want to look like a sir, do you? (if you do, I apologize and this post isn't for you!) The sweater pictured is adorably "cutsie" but looks perfectly appropriate for a daytime stroll.

Still a bit skeptical to wear a pair of oxfords as a lassie? If our little sunflower-blowing lady friend can sit on a dirty stoop and charm the masses in them, so can you! But I don't recommend sitting in a deserted alleyway ripping apart your flowersβ€”We're just talking shoes here!

Click for a pair or opt for the Heschung originals.



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